Thursday, December 22, 2011

The 100 Workout

I don't know who came up with this workout.  But they are an evil genius!  I came across it a few weeks ago on pinterest (yes, I'll admit it...I'm a pinterest junkie.  When all is quiet after the kids go to bed, I hover over my laptop and drool over creative projects that I will never, myself have time to make), so I don't know who to actually give credit for this torturous routine!

I've been sitting with it in my exercise arsenal for a few weeks, but I've been too afraid to try it.  But I figured today was the day.  So the blog is working it's motivational magic.  I don't have any readers yet, but just knowing that I planned to report back on my success or failure kept me moving through the ENTIRE workout!  Also motivating me was my almost 8 year old son working out by my side.  I love that he is into fitness at such a young age (not to a weird degree, mind you...he just likes to be active...I'm not generating odd little bodybuilders here or anything).

The workout took me about an hour, but I was feeling it right away.  I took my time and took LOTS of breaks just so I could make it through.  I'm sure I'll be able to shorten it to 30-45 minutes as I become more conditioned!  I followed it up with a protein shake, just because if I didn't get some protein back into my muscles, I knew I would be bedridden for a week!  I plan to follow up this workout later with a very easy short run.  One or two miles, but we'll see how my legs feel!

So here is The 100 Workout in all it's evil glory:

100 jumping jacks
90 crunches
80 squats
70 leg lifts (laying on your back lifting both legs)
60 jumping jacks
50 crunches
40 squats
30 leg lifts (on your side, 30 each leg)
20 jumping jacks
10 push ups

I did modify the workout a bit, adding my own personal touch.  The original called for a 10 minute run at the end instead of push-ups.  But I wanted to modify it, so that I could do it all at home early in the morning.  And since I will be running anyways, I figured I'd throw some push-ups in for some upper body work.  I did have to do "girly" push-ups and was only able to go about halfway down...but I'll work on that! : D

Be fit and have a great day!


  1. I can see why you have some jelly legs going on. When is the marathon?

  2. October 7th, 2012...I should put at counter on here! They have a countdown on the "official" marathon site!

  3. Pinterest is awesome... just sayin. Maybe you'll motivate me to actually post on my blog more than a few times a month!!

    I would so love to do the Chicago marathon. That would be an awesome goal, if I can get me knees in gear!
